Legal Fees

PATENTS & PATENT APPLICATIONS [pertinent information] Attorney fee Filing Fees*
Patent search only (client provided written summary, copies of related patents, published apps, products) $ 250.00/hr n/a
Design patent application (flat rate, depending on complexity) $ 1,000.00 $ 380.00*
Provisional patent application (depending on complexity) 2,500.00(est.) 130.00*
Utility patent application (generally $2500 to $5500) $1,500.00 retainer;contract ceiling for total fees 300.00/hr 730.00
Patentability/infringement opinion letter ($300.00/hr) 750.00(est.) n/a
Search USPTO text files (ck name availability; flat fee, ea. mark) $ 180.00 n/a
Search USPTO artwork files (flat fee per ea. logo) 250.00 n/a
Draft & upload client’s app on USPTO website (flat fee, ea. Mark) (Note: USPTO filing fee is $225.00 per class of goods or services) 400.00 225.00
Filing Statement of Use (SOU; flat fee) 350.00 [150.00/class]
Filing Request for 6-mo extension of time for SOU (flat fee) 350.00 [100.00/class]
Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (TTAB) matters: $1,000.00 retainer 300.00/hr (varies)
Respond to patent examiner’s action: $1,000.00 retainer; Less than 4 hours billable time: over-payment is refunded. $300.00/hr
Respond to trademark examiner action: $750.00 retainer; 300.00/hr
Hourly fee applies when 3 hours billable time exceeded; any over-payment is refunded.
Licensing Agreement (preparation of) $ 300.00/hr n/a
Assignment (patent or trademark) Flat fee $450.00 40.00
IP Document review & analysis 300.00/hr n/a
“Cease & Desist” letter (minimum 750.00) 300.00/hr n/a
Respond to “cease & desist” letter 300.00/hr 300.00/hr
Initial Client Consultation/Meeting (:30 minutes) 100.00
Infringement [patent cases ONLY] $ 300.00/hr
$2,000.00 retainer required; “blended” contract with a ceiling on attorney fees, thereafter, client’s case may be handled on a contingency basis.
*These filing fees are reduced by one-half for a “micro-entity” business

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Hollin Law Offices
110 Habersham Drive, Suite 113
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Phone: 678-681-1578
Fayetteville Office

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